In "The Eat-Clean" own food principles Tosca Reno, eat clean is described as a way of life, especially as a specific diet. 'S described in the book are to eat five or six small meals a day, eat every two or three hours, mix complex carbohydrates and lean protein foods, drink at least eight glasses of water a day and do not skip meals, especially breakfast.clean foods diet, Other principles in the book is to avoid processed foods like white flour and sugar, avoid trans fats and saturated fats, eat healthy fats a day, avoid or limit consumption of alcohol, consumption of adequate portions and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. There are many to choose foods diet themselves.clean foods diet.
Fruits and Vegetables
Whole fruits and vegetables are the best option for clean diet foods. In "The Eat-Clean", tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, squash, and soybeans are included in the list of the top 12 super foods. Lycopene, a phytochemical in tomatoes, to prevent free radical damage in the cells. Broccoli is rich in folic acid, vitamin C and potassium.clean foods diet, According to "The Eat-Clean Diet" berries contain fiber and "huge amounts of antioxidants fight against the disease." Spinach is rich in vitamin C and calcium. Pumpkins have beta-carotene and vitamin A. Soy contains all amino acids are therefore a complete protein.clean foods diet.
Beans and legumes are a good clean food diet. They provide protein, fiber and nutrients. Examples include chickpeas, peas, beans and lentils. "The Eat-Clean Diet" beans and legumes considered super foods December 1. According to the "nutrition", rinse the beans help to remove excess salt and reduce raffinose, causing gas sugar grains.clean foods diet.
Meat, fish and poultry
"The Eat-Clean Diet" calls chicken breast, salmon, egg whites, pork, steak bison meat better choice for lean protein. Salmon and wild bison are on the list of 12 superfoods book. Bison, also known as buffalo, is an alternative to low-fat red meat. It is thin and high in protein.clean foods diet, According to Reno, "wild salmon is a rich source of quality nutrients, easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals and is low in saturated fat."clean foods diet.
Whole Grains
"The Eat-Clean Diet" promotes oats as one of the top 12 super foods for your slow burning complex carbohydrates, soluble fiber vegetable protein. The oatmeal helps reduce cholesterol and help you feel full.clean foods diet.
Water is an important part of a clean eating lifestyle and diet must be included with all foods clean. Water helps to keep the body hydrated and also helps to remove toxins from the body. clean foods diet,"The Eat-Clean Diet" recommends at least eight glasses of water a day.clean foods diet
The benefits of eating clean diet foods include having more energy, a healthy immune system and be in better shape. Reno said, "to adopt the lifestyle of eating, your body will have the opportunity to look their best all the time."
That was clean foods diet.
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