Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Stop Excusing Yourself From Losing Weight and Lose it

By 11:39 AM
People who are overweight often do a great injustice to themselves by apologizing to really lose weight. One thing I learned is that excuses can not stop you or me. It is only when we look at our personal problem straight in the eye and then recognize that this is a problem that we hate, we can do something about it.

Many people are convinced that their weight is not as bad or perhaps blame any gene heredity and thus blind themselves to the need to lose those extra pounds. In this article I will try to put some of the excuses that people give more weight to stay and perhaps explain why it is necessary to tell the truth about the situation of our weight and then down to zoom erase from our lives. Shakespeare said: "thin self be true" and in this article we will be true and the openness and acceptance of oneself, which can be able to conquer the self-sabotage that we do at through excuses.

Here are some of the excuses we give ourselves to stay fat:

(1) My metabolism is not good
(2) My genes are bad
(3) My thyroid is bad
(4) I'm fine, because I love the "low fat" food, "fat free" or
(5) the weight loss is too difficult for me
(6) I am fit and fat "beautiful"
(7) My body has reached the ideal weight that I can not lose weight. And this list is far from exhaustive.

I'm sure you can identify some of the above excuses we make to ourselves to continue to stay fat. But these are mistakes that we erase from our mind when trying to lose weight. Losing weight does not hurt in any way, but it helps to look good and feel healthy and enjoy your life.

There are people in this world who will do whatever they can do to keep looking at their problems to help remove. They do it because they are afraid that the problem itself, or perhaps the cost and effort it takes to do something about it. Then stop at nothing to convince him not to do anything about the problem is a better option. Like anything, you must be honest with ourselves when it comes to losing weight.

We have to deal with weight problems that we face and then do something soon, it is to lose weight and be happy. We need to stop putting all the blame on our metabolism. It has nothing to do with it, but it has everything to do with the quality and quantity of food we eat. Many people are overweight because they eat junk food and also eat too much of them.

Although metabolism may play a role in overweight situations, especially as we age, however, are not the main or only reasons that become obese. Regardless of how it is a slow metabolism, taking into account the type of diet and exercise, can be accelerated to help lose weight.

It is the fault of genes as the culprit when it comes to losing weight is like blaming a car accident in the vehicle instead of the driver. While genes can cause some people struggle with their weight loss efforts, if used the right kinds of food and exercise, they will definitely lose weight.

It is true that a bad thyroid can cause struggling with weight loss, but I say that very few people have this kind of problem, so there may be a possibility that you do not have this problem. Your doctor may perform a test to determine if you have an under active thyroid problem and offer antidotes for treatment if you are aware that you have this problem.

Some people think that because they eat "low-fat" foods, they are free to carry more weight "fat" or. The truth can not be further from that. Although most food manufacturers have high fat foods, however, replaced by sugar into the blood directory and eventually become big somehow. So as you can see labeled "fat free" foods or "low fat" does not mean it is safe to overeat.

The problem is not the amount of fat in the food, but the problem is that our behavior towards food. Although some people will take the easy way, simply believe that weight loss is not the truth of the matter is that everyone can lose weight. You see, the body stores all the calories or food energy that you put into your body.

So if you think you can not lose weight may be what you need to do is cut the food in half, for example, and your calorie intake decreased by half and eventually you will see the pounds coming. It is very rare to see someone medically proclaimed impossible to lose weight. I can not imagine that this situation still exists in the world. Reduce food intake and books or fall over time.

No matter how much people try to convince themselves that they are big, but hey, I can not see that as true. A qualified person is healthy, full of energy, you can bend and stretch easily without any difficulty and that all your internal systems working properly. This is not true for obese people. Although obese person may feel well maybe they are young, as they grow beyond a few years of his youth may begin to experience health problems.

So if you think you're fat, but healthy, I'm happy for you that you feel healthy, but not happy for you that you're fat. Post this mentality and do something with weight, because these things have a way of sneaking slowly ugly effect on people over time.

Some people who are overweight may try to eat the right foods and exercise, but when you lose a few pounds just let their efforts because they think they have reached the highest level of weight loss and they do not have more weight to lose. The only thing you can not lose weight are the bones themselves, but as long as you have a little meat on your skin, you can still lose a few grams or pounds beyond the weight they think they can not lose weight. So when it comes to losing weight, no trays.

The purpose of this article is to help people see the damage they are doing to themselves with all these excuses not to lose weight in order to achieve an understanding of these things can decide to do something about your weight. I found the need to write this article because I have been there and understand the need to lose weight if ever. So weight loss to maintain good health should be higher on the agenda of our lives. My dear friend, do not let your self or someone to tell you that your weight problem is beyond fixing. You can lose that weight today.


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