Sunday, July 21, 2013


Foods to Avoid on a Diet - The Top 6

It's a cliche, but you are what you eat. If you want to lose weight, you have to look at what food you take. These are the top six foods to avoid while dieting:
Soda - Soda is the main source of empty calories. Replace soda with water or flavored iced skim milk or herbal. Fully rid of soda is not recommended, as it would mean a denial, but the decision should be limited to one drink a day.foods to avoid on a diet.
Margarines and shortenings - These are rich in trans fatty foods. To determine whether a product is trans fat, check the list of ingredients. If the product contains partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, trans fats is definitely. Margarines and shortenings can be replaced with canola oil and a healthy heart.foods to avoid on a diet.
Fried foods - fried foods, especially those served in restaurants are often cooked in reused oil. This creates byproducts that have been linked to a variety of diseases. They are also high in calories. An alternative to frying foods in the bread oven.foods to avoid on a diet.
White bread - Take whole wheat or whole grain bread instead. They are not only nutritious, but also are a good source of fiber, which will keep you full longer. To ensure you're getting a lot of whole grains, check the list of ingredients. Usually displayed first.foods to avoid on a diet.
Alcoholic beverages - weight loss and alcohol do not mix. It adds a lot of excess calories in your diet as it contains seven calories per gram. Apart from that, it is also a depressant and therefore, it can slow their metabolism.foods to avoid on a diet.
Yogurt and milk fat - are an excellent source of calcium and protein, but if there is a low fat version available, should be preferred.


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