Sunday, April 27, 2014

2 Secret Methods for Easy Weight Loss

Anybody who has been struggling to lose weight will testify that burning fat is anything but easy. After a week of slogging it out at the gym, they may lose half a pound. It can be very disappointing.

This article will give you 2 secret methods that will help you to lose weight without too much torture. Of course, you will need to do the harder workouts and watch your diet too but these 2 methods will help you lose more weight.
Secret 1 – Go for a 30 minute brisk walk every morning when you wake
In the morning when you just wake up, your stomach is empty and your body’s glycogen levels are low. When you engage in cardio activity in this fasted state, your body immediately starts burning your fat as a source of fuel.
At any other time, your body will burn the food that you ate for energy.  So, by walking on an empty stomach, you will burn the fat immediately.
The secret here is to walk at a moderate pace. It has to be brisk but not too fast. You should be able to hold a conversation and not be panting. At the same time, your brisk walk should raise your heart rate.
Do this daily for 2 weeks and you should see your weight dropping. It goes without saying that your diet must be sensible.
Secret 2 – The power of intermittent fasting
This technique is not talked about much because many people are not even aware of it. In a day there are 24 hours but you will only eat during an 8 hour window.
First, you will need to calculate your calorie requirements for the day. You can do this by visiting this website
Check and see how many calories you need to consume to achieve fat loss. Once you have that number, you will know exactly how much you should be eating.
Now, assuming you wake up at 7am, you will want to start eating as late as possible. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.
I understand that this may be a shocker but if you will give this method a try, the results will speak for themselves.
Back to the example, if you wake up at 7am, you may wish to have your first meal at 11am. From the time you start your first meal, you have an 8 hour eating window. That means, you should have your final meal for the day by 7pm(eight hours later).
Within this 8 hour window, you must consume all your required calories for the day. This would be the number you got earlier.
So, you will still be getting all your nutrition and calories for the day but you can only eat within the 8 hour window. What this does is that it gives your body 16 hours to digest the food and burn fat during this time.
In the beginning, getting used to this way of eating may be difficult and inconvenient. However, once you figure out the arrangements and get used to eating in this manner, you will be stunned by how fast you shed the pounds.

This is one of the most powerful and effective methods of losing weight. Give it a try and you will be pleasantly surprised. weight loss enigma

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Can You Target Certain Body Parts for Weight Loss?

The question: Can you target specific body parts (say, stomach pooch) while losing weight? And if so, how do you do it?

The expert: James O. Hill, Ph.D., executive director of the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center at the University of Colorado and author of State of Slim
The answer: Sadly, you can't decide you want to drop pounds around just your waist or create a gap between your thighs. "Lots of studies have looked at that, and you can’t target loss of fat from specific places," says Hill. In general, when women put on weight it's mostly in their hips and lower body—whereas men tend to accumulate excess poundage on their upper body. "It comes off in different places, too," says Hill. Where you lose weight depends on where your body stores fat and also likely on genetics. 
What to do if you're trying to lose belly or thigh fat? Focus on dropping pounds in general—not just in one spot. "The more weight you lose, the more you’re likely going to lose it from the specific place you want," says Hill. Exercising is also key: While it won't help you spot reduce, it will help you lose more fat and less muscle—which will help your trouble spot look as lean and toned as possible.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

“Why Can't I Lose Weight?!”

The question: “I’ve Been Dieting and Exercising—So Why Haven’t I Lost Weight?”

The expert: Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D., author of The Portion Teller Plan
The answer: Most likely, you’re overestimating how much you’re dieting and exercising. “Generally speaking, when people are dieting and exercising but not seeing results, it’s because they think they’re being more virtuous than they really are—and over-rewarding themselves as a result,” says Young.
Let’s start with your diet. “Many people eat bigger portion sizes than they think, and they also forget to take mindless grazing into account—both of which put them over their estimated calorie limit,” says Young. Her suggestion? Keep a food diary, either on paper or with an app. Documenting and therefore noticing every last morsel of food that you take in throughout the day will help you keep yourself accountable (and remind you that yes, food still has calories even if you eat it while standing up over the sink).
Your exercise routine could be equally misleading for two reasons. The first? You're not working out as much as you think you are. Ask yourself: When you go to the gym, are you spending the whole time on the machines? Or, when you really stop to think about it, are you spending a hefty chunk of time thinking about getting on the elliptical, choosing which magazine to read, chatting with your friends on the mats, etc. If you’re guilty of one (or all) of the above, consider investing in a pedometer so you have documented evidence about how much you’re actually exercising, says Young.
The last reason you could be at a weight-loss standstill is that you’re repeating the same workout routine over and over again. “Your body will reach a plateau if you do that, and you’re not going to see results,” says Young—so it’s really important to vary it up. Strength training is also clutch. “It helps increase lean body mass so you’re more likely to reach your weight-loss goals.
source : womenshealthmag

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Best Exercises To Get 6 Pack Abs

Everyone wants their belly flat mostly teenagers are much interested in six pack abs.I suggest you best exercises to get six pack abs in a short period.

Best Exercises To Get 6 Pack Abs:

Abdominal Crunches: Lie on the floor.Place your hands on both sides of your head Keeping your feet firmly planted on the floor , lift your shoulder and upper back up and away from the floor with your face pointing towards the ceiling.Exhale as you come up as for as you can,hold for a second,then inhale as you return to the starting position.

Rolling Plank: Take position on your knees and elbows.Lift up your knees by supporting your legs on toes.This is a plank pose stay for 30-45 seconds.After that try to move front and backward  (rolling plank).

Twist Crunches: Lie flat on the floor,keep  hands behind your head.Legs towards the ground and lift the upper torso of right leg and move your right shoulder towards to left torso on the ground.

Lying Leg Raise: Lie on the floor.Exhale as you lift your feet off the floor and extending the bottom of your feet toward the ceiling while focusing on pulling your hips from the floor.Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Vertical Leg Crunches: Lie on your back with ankles crossed and  extend your legs upwards try to touch your toes with hands shown below in the picture.

Standing Side Bend: Standing side bend is one of the most powerful exercise to stretch your body and also reduce the waist and belly fat.Stand vertically on the floor and bend side by side at least try to hold on for 15 seconds each side.

Yoga Ball: Take a yoga ball make yourself lean down on the chair with the support of hands and place your both the legs on the ball and stretch or crunch yourself for burning fat in your tummy.crunches are different types for increasing abs muscles or reducing fat in ab section.

source ; way2medicare

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pureed diet - Ideas for a pureed diet

Pureed diet may be necessary if you have dysphagia. Dysphagia is a disorder that affects your ability to chew and swallow. Like many people with dysphagia , you may have insufficient nutrient intake , leading to weight loss and malnutrition. To improve intake and nutritional status for pureed diet , it is important to puree and eat a variety of foods from each food group . With the right tools and knowledge, almost any food can be served as a puree.

- breakfast

A number of foods available in the supermarket and pureed easy to use on a pureed diet, including applesauce , hot cereal , sausage and potatoes into instant mashed potatoes. You can even use baby food cooker as an option for a regime puree. For breakfast , you can have a bowl of rice porridge and applesauce . Make hot cereal with milk protein and calories added. You can also try vanilla or lemon yogurt with a bowl of cream of wheat .to try pureed diet it's better to  Make your own food pureed in a blender or food to increase your food choices . Mash with a boiled egg mayonnaise and milk to get the right consistency and serve with a bowl of hot cereal. Pancakes can also be mashed with milk and syrup.

- Lunch

When you are purring your own food to use on the pureed diet , remove the skins , seeds, membranes or other inedible parts first, says the Net Wellness website . Cut food into small pieces and use the appropriate liquid for taste and texture. Good choices include liquid milk , cream, juice , broth and salsa. Ideas for lunch mashed may include two jars of pureed meat baby with two cans of green beans and mashed baby on one side of mashed potatoes. Add the butter sauce and mashed foods to increase calories . Baby food is usually soft , so you may need to add seasonings. You can also make your own chicken and mashed green beans using chicken broth instead of using pureed foods in a pot, and serve their own potatoes. Macaroni and cheese can also be pureed and makes a rich breakfast calories for better pureed diet. Use milk as liquid puree macaroni and cheese, and serve with mashed cauliflower side.

- Dinner

Spaghetti and Meatballs is an easy pureed diet meal. Combine cooked spaghetti and meatballs in marinara sauce, and add some Parmesan cheese to taste. Undo individual foods can sometimes be more attractive than blended. It can also reduce the mashed meatloaf using beef broth and sauce and serve with mashed carrots and a side of mashed potatoes. To increase calories , use cream to mix carrots and potatoes. i wish you have better pureed diet.