Thursday, July 4, 2013


amazing benefits of mango

 Mangos taste so good that people forget they are also healthy! Discover how the "king of fruits" can help some fascinating curiosities and handle warnings and concerns.

Health benefits:

1. Prevent cancer:
Research has shown that antioxidants in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, prostate and leukemia. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and enzymes methylgallat and abundant.

Two. Lowers cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower cholesterol levels in the serum, especially low-density lipoprotein (bad)

3. Clean the skin:
It can be used both internally and externally to the skin. Mangos clean clogged pores and remove blackheads. (Read more on page 5.)

4. Eye Health:
A cup of sliced ​​mango provides 25 percent of the daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good vision and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

5. Alkalizes the whole body:
Tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid in fruit helps maintain body alkaline reserve

6. Help with diabetes:
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy consists of leaves boiled in water, soak overnight, then use the filtered decoction in the morning. The handles also have a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) to moderate amounts will not do much his blood sugar.

7. Improved Sex:
Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin E. Although the popular connection between libido and vitamin E was originally created by a generalization wrong in rat studies, other research has shown balanced appropriate amounts (as all food) will not help in this area.

8. Improves digestion:
Are not the only papaya fruit containing enzymes to break down the protein. There are many fruits, including mangoes, this sound quality. The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination.

9. Remedy for heat stroke
Fruit juice and green mango mixed with water and sweetener helps to cool the body and prevent damage to the body. From the Ayurvedic perspective, the reason people often get exhausted and equatorial climates diuretics during the visit as "solar energy" strong burning your body, especially the muscles. The kidneys are overloaded with toxins in the process.

10. Stimulates the immune system
The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangoes, more than 25 different types of carotenoids keep your immune system strong and healthy.


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